Friday, December 3, 2010


There's something quite magical and addictive about this song. First it makes you wanna throw snowballs at the Christmas tree or set your grandma on fire while she carves her memories into the crib. Yet soon it soaks in and induces some sort of musicogenic epilepsy. If you follow through with it, you soon find yourself dancing in a tight circle with imaginary friends. It looks a bit like you're strangling a baby goose while holding an emotional speech in front of your deceased anchestors. Although this bastard of a song really knows how to avoid any deeper meaning, it asks to be hit with a hint of interpretation. We do feel that it should be used (or misused) for a greater good. Immediately we thought about a friend of ours who fights the good fight and needs your voice. Perhaps we just discovered the jingle to her mission.

Zoukez - a christmas song - by FL/AM & The Flamingoes from foufou koh on Vimeo.


Anonymous said...

yihhu pagan love

Anonymous said...

i so dig the shell-monkey
thank you, 1,2,3, Fun Club for being so sharp in your choices!