Saturday, January 30, 2010

Konkurrenz Belebt Das Geschäft - Calls For Submission


We also recommend media and video artists (with no interest in money) to apply at the Crosstalk Video Art Festival Budapest till February 26th. 

Well, we were about to present more calls for submission in this section. After signing up at all these "art" communities online (in order to promote the 19,99 € Award), we received many calls for submission via email. Now we reviewed them carefully and it turns out to be a bunch of crap. Then we googled around for a while and well, they all have submission and /or exhibition fees, you can barely win a thing and the vibe you get when reading these calls for submission is just so retarded, Susan even threw up on Murphy who's taking a nap on the floor as we speak. However, we just noticed that the world has been waiting for us. We don't have NO submission fee and you can still win 19,99 €. In addition we give you the exposure that our blog has to offer and will present you at an official award ceremony to the public as the genius you truely are. If enough people apply we might even get a small exhibition together, who knows. And in case we can sell your piece, we will definitely not take more than 10%, that's a promise.